North Bay Python 2023

Make Your Engineering Team A Fabulous Place for Programmers with ADHD and Autism
2023-07-29 21:05-21:30 (Africa/Abidjan), The Barn

In StackOverflow's 2022 annual survey of 16,000 developers worldwide, 10.6% of respondents reported being affected by concentration or memory challenges, such as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 4.3% of respondents self-identified as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These results indicate that on a team of 20 engineers, up to 3 people on the team may have what are called "neurodivergent" brains.

What are the symptoms of ADHD and ASD? What are the so-called neurodivergent "superpowers" you may have seen on social media? How can we create work environments that foster ease and success for neurodivergent software engineers? Join this session to find out!

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Disability, ADHD, Autism

In her 7-year career as a Python programmer, August has held a variety of roles including software engineer, support engineer, and Python educator. She enjoys woodworking, gardening, home renovations, and lots and lots of quiet time.